The gamtools matrix
tool is used to calculate proximity matrices from
segregation tables.
Usage and option summary¶
gamtools matrix [OPTIONS] -s <SEGREGATION_FILE> -r <REGION> [<REGION> ...]
Optional parameters:
Option | Description |
-f, –output-format | Output matrix file format (choose from: csv.gz, txt.gz, npz, txt, csv, png, default is txt.gz) |
-t, –matrix-type | Method used to calculate the interaction matrix (choose from: cosegregation, linkage, dprime, npmi, default is npmi) |
-o, –output-file | Output matrix file. If not specified, new file will have the same name as the segregation file and an extension indicating the genomic region(s) and the matrix method |
Specifying regions
The -r/–regions parameter allows the user to specify the specific genomic regions to calculate matrices for. If one region is specified, a matrix is calculated for that region against itself. If more than one region is specified, a matrix is calculated for each region against the other. Regions are specified using UCSC browser syntax, i.e. “chr4” for the whole of chromosome 4 or “chr4:100000-200000” for a sub-region of the chromosome.